Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year at Big Freeze Football!

Hey folks!

I've got a lot in the works for 2010 here at Big Freeze Football. For those of you who have been reading and following along, I thank you, and a lot of my plans for the new year are about making the site better and more accessible for you.

For starters, a new site design is in the works, in a sort of pre-alpha stage. My goal with the new design is to separate features to different pages, so if you don't care about, say, the Draft, you won't be troubled with it. In general, I'll be looking to make the site more intuitive in its layout, easier to navigate, and hopefully more fun.

As the playoffs and off season roll around, I'll be trying to work in some new features, as well as streamlining my process to allow me to update more often.

I want this site to be good, I want you guys to enjoy it, so please bear with me as I try to make some (I think) necessary changes.

Hope everyone had a great and safe New Years, and you'll be hearing from me soon.
